Your monthly dose of insightful Project Management articles

Your monthly dose of Project Management articles.

April 2019 Edition

We learn from project failures as well as project successes to implement good processes and practices and to avoid pitfalls, in order to successfully complete existing and future work. By not learning from project failures we are doomed to repeat similar situations; and by not maximizing on project successes, we miss future opportunities.

According to an article entitled “20/20 Foresight” in PM Network (Logue, 2004), “[It is estimated] that Fortune 500 Companies lose $31.5 billion each year because they don't share knowledge.” 

So, neglecting lessons learned and not sharing the knowledge is not a new trend in the Project Management industry; where capturing lessons learned should be an on-going effort throughout the life of the project. It is a culture or mindset more than a technique or process, and it should be implemented by every project manager from day one in every project.

In this edition, we look at different aspects of the Lessons Learned and how to implemented successfully from different point of views. Accompanied by a set of articles on different subjects related to Project Management published in March 2019.

April 2019 Edition's Articles